Wednesday, 4 June 2014

love's confusion

Deep words can only express a poet's views
deep meaning expresses his feelings n opinion
And a broken heart sorts meaning and worth
While love sometimes feels broken but true

A cycle of confusion rises from misunderstood love
Leaving at times a feeling unexplainable
while questions and quarrels blossom in our hearts
uncertain of whether to go on or not
Whether its my heart alone that feels this love

Its grief and joy for lost but lasting love
A true image of mixed feelings
One's heart wonders if its loving separately that could spare its beat
But feels the need to hold on dearly until the end..


The pain deep inside my heart
It pierces like a thousand knives
Too deep to endure
To strong to face
Yet the tears that should flow
They hide beneath my skin
I try hard to face them
To let them flow with ease
But my heart refuses to cry
My tears deny you victory
Why oh why does it hurt?
And yet I cannot grieve at all
Cry oh beloved heart
Cry and set me free
Let me grieve and be free
For as long as you are within me
I shall never see the light

i picked a flower today

I picked a flower today
Pink and rosy it was
Its leaves spreading from its core
In a strong, but lazy manner
It brinks with peace
Although not the strongest colour,
Its leaves did put a smile on my face
Its smell was unforgettable
Pure, rich, extraordinary
Like a thousand roses put in one

I picked a rose today
A rose so fair, so beautiful
It reminded me my inner child
No anger, no sorrow, no tears
A rose of peace I say

I picked a flower today
And it represented beauty
Beauty and glory
Its fairness, so brilliant
Its beauty was amazing
So amazing, only a sole reason explains
The planter dug a hole and planted a seed,
Watered and un weeded
But such fairness is not of human power
Such beauty is of glory
I picked a flower today
Planted by man
created by a living God

tonight i miss you

This pain...
I simply cannot explain
My thoughts toss and turn
They take me back to it
Yes, to what used to be
What could have been
Dare I say it?
Yes, what exists not!

Some nights I miss you
Some nights I miss your voice
Your singing
Those silly impressions that got me smiling in my sleep
Some nights I miss it all

Some nights I look into the mirror
And see what used to be me
Yes the same face that looked
Oh, that same face that smiled
Before the drought
The face that looked before the flood
Before it all, before all the tears
Before I fell

Some nights I look and smile
I smile at how I've grown
How I learnt to be
And maybe I found a portion of myself
In the sadness I found me
Some nights I miss you
Tonight is one of them

take me back to the beauty of the first love

Take me back to that time
The time of a beautiful first love
Where nothing but the purity of our hearts' love mattered
When love was not determined by how many diamonds he can buy me
Or how many dinner dates he can afford
Where love was planted in our hearts and blossomed there
When love letters still made us smile
And playing silly games together had meaning

Take me back to those beautiful days
When that beautiful lady was attracted to his heart and not his wallet
And a woman's heart was what a man sought in her
Where a woman believed she was beautiful, not because of her hair, but because of her heart
When love was genuine and pure

When falling in love still brought butterflies to her stomach
And in his eyes, she saw her husband
A time when a man loved so purely, so beautifully
That in her eyes, he saw the mother to his kids

Take me back to that time
When love didn't have to be so expensive
And simple things made relationships
When he knew she loved him
And she didn't have to guess he loved her
A time when love had meaning still
When a single rose meant, to a woman, what a diamond necklace means today
Take me back
Oh! take me back to the beauty of the first love