Friday, 13 February 2015

what shall she do with her broken soul?

 once in a while she sits in front of her mirror
alone in her room she sits
she looks past the makeup that hides her tear trails
behind her ghost smile that hides her pain
she sits by herself,
to look deep into her soul
inside where no-one has never been
and she every time she finds it still
she feels it strong and violent
it keeps her awake at night
and kills her slowly inside
because she knows her broken heart will mend
time will fix her mind
but what shall she do with her broken soul?
the pain she suffers feels eternal
lasting until she closes her eyes forever
it drags her down and swallows her whole
it tears her apart in every way
she has forgotten who she is or why she is
she picks up a mask every morning before she leaves
she puts it on to hide her grief
but inside she grieves, she cries,
oh! she shouts and she screams
because she cannot stand the throb of her broken soul
she knows the heart will heal with time
a broken wrist heals with age
broken nails grow with weeks
oh, but her soul!
her soul that used to be so cheerful
her soul that loved without measure
her soul that made her beautiful within
what shall she do with her broken soul?
in her room alone she cries
it is now alone that she can truly grieve,
the death of her unbroken soul
oh! what shall she do with her broken soul?


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